Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What If?

It has been quite a while since I have entered a post on my blog. It is one of the things that I feared would happen once I made the commitment to this blog--I would get started on it and then not follow through. There are six people who know of my blogging attempts and each of you has asked me essentially the same thing--when am I going to add a new post. Of course I have responded with my reasons, but the underlying reason is what I spoke of in my first post: FEAR. In this particular instance, it is my fear of expectations or more specifically the fear of not measuring up to expectations. What if I write something that someone thinks is silly? What if I make a mistake in something that I say? What if I offend someone? What if no one visits my blog? What if? What if? What if? Well, it is true that all of those things could happen but I won't even have the opportunity to find out if I cling to my fear of what may be. I knew that this wouldn't be an easy journey for me when I began and so once again I inhale, close my eyes and begin this journey again.