Sunday, April 03, 2011

A Story in Six Words

The ladies at Proverbs 31 Ministries are providing several opportunities to win a scholarship to this years's She Speaks Conference. This latest opportunity is quite a challenge--create a story using only six words. In my mind, that just wasn't possible. My opinion quickly changed when they provided this example by Ernest Hemingway: “FOR SALE. BABY SHOES. NEVER WORN.” Indeed, a story can be conveyed with only six words. And so, my six word story:


Can you see a story in those six words? Can you create a story in six words? I would love to hear your thoughts. And then I will share mine.


CP said...

Hey Lucinda,
I just saw this and enjoyed the challange. Here's mine -
Labor pains.Tuition.Finding fresh purpose.

Lucinda said...

Hey Cynthia,
I can certainly see the story in that one, especially as I find myself in a season where my purpose is and will be redefined. Thank you for interacting with my blog.